Afternoon Sunlight in January
The first little Gallery "Afternoon Sunlight in January", is
from a roll of film I shot on a walk from Fourth through to First Beaches.
I have been shooting mostly digital during 2005, but wanted to revisit film as a
reality check, also to have the wider field of view that this format offers me.
Summer sun, filtered by clouds is always appetizing...

view from Fourth Beach, looking North.

further along Fourth
Beach, looking WNW to Duikers' Rock

A hand up, scramble over rocks and onto
Second Beach...(before the next set of waves!)

Second Beach - beachbats, kelp and wet sand
after a high spring tide

Looking back from First Beach...
(view SW)

Technical details: Canon EOS33 / 16 -35mm lens
Film: Ilford Pan F rated 50 asa